Civic associations provide a collective voice on issues that affect the community and improve their neighborhoods through volunteer work performed by their members. In Philadelphia, they can also serve as Registered Community Organizations (RCOs).

Roxborough's civic associations are listed below. Each serves as the RCO for their neighborhood. RCOs receive advance notice about projects to be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) or the Civic Design Review Committee (CDR), coordinate public meetings where community members can comment on these projects, and provide testimony at ZBA and CDR public hearings. The Roxborough Development Corporation also serves as an RCO for properties located within the boundaries of the Roxborough Business Improvement District.

Central Roxborough Civic Association

Ridge Park Civic Association

Upper Roxborough Civic Association

Wissahickon Interested Citizens Association

Wissahickon Neighbors Civic Association

Need to find your civic association? Go to the City of Philadelphia’s Open Maps, filter for Registered Community Organizations, and enter your address in the search box.