Salon A'Marie owner, Aundrea Watkins, in her salon space at 5261 Ridge Avenue | Studio Luminoso
What can Roxborough do for your business?
Roxborough is one of the safest, greenest, and most conveniently located neighborhoods in Philadelphia. So many young professionals and families call 19128 home that our population has one of the highest household incomes anywhere in the City. And that makes Roxborough an excellent place to do business.
The Roxborough Development Corporation is committed to supporting business and property owners throughout our community. We can help you connect with customers and navigate the commercial landscape. We also act as a liaison between local businesses and the City of Philadelphia.
We invite you to be part of the growing commercial corridor along Ridge Avenue and the future of this community, which is perfectly poised to become this great and growing City’s next neighborhood of choice.
Fast Facts
- Roxborough represents the largest economy in Northwest Philadelphia with a $589,221,653 yearly demand for retail, food, and drink.
Over 25% of Roxborough's population is between the ages of 25 and 35 years old.
- The Ridge Avenue Commercial Corridor has 217 retail spaces (as of 2012).
- An estimated 15,000 vehicles travel through the Ridge Avenue Commercial Corridor every day.
- There are about 573,000 square feet of leasable commercial area in the heart of Roxborough.
Roxborough is home to 81 retail establishments, 67 food and accommodation businesses, and 9 businesses focused on arts, entertainment, and recreation.