Bars and restaurants should serve drinks in plastic cups instead of glass bottles (including BYOB establishments). Please discourage customers from taking their drinks outside of your business.
- You may consider removing any sidewalk signs or temporary exterior décor such as planters, trash receptacles, propane tanks, and other items that may not be secure and could be used in destructive manner.
- Ensure that your cameras are in good working order and positioned facing the exterior of the building and the street.
- If you have uniform security, we ask that you provide additional eyes and ears by posting your staff outside of your building during the celebrations. Some may consider adding security to increase the security presence during the celebrations.
- Secure all windows and doors and turn your alarms on when the business is closed.
- Remove valuables from plain sight, leave your register open and empty and turn on your burglar alarm.
- Additional guidance for business can be found here - https://www.phila.gov/2021-04-20-tips-to-protect-your-business/
Be sure to sign up for emergency and informational text messages from the Office of Emergency Management at www.phila.gov/ready or texting 888-777
Also, remember to follow @philaoem and @phillypolice on Twitter for further updates.